Acupuncture & Massage for Fertility, Pregnancy and Early Motherhood

"Normal" is not optimal
You go to visit your doctor because you don't feel right. You might feel more tired than usual, can't concentrate or start to have issues with certain foods you are eating. Your doctor does some blood work, but the results are "normal" and than they dismiss you.
But "normal" doesn't mean optimal!
We often feel unwell before any regular analysis of a blood test can detect that something is off. That's were Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis comes into the picture.
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis gives insight to:
Blood Sugar Regulation
Cardiovascular Risk
Electrolyte Balance
Gastrointestinal Function
Hormone Balance
Liver & Gallbladder Function
Kidney Function
Adrenal & Thyroid Function
Nutritional Deficiencies
Hydration Status
Immune System Function
Oxygen Carrying Capacity
Toxicity & Oxidative Stress
Acid/Base Balance
Allergy Tendencies
Sample pages

How Can FBCA help me to get better?
Gain deeper insight into the underlying causes of your health complaints
Assess nutrient status to help guide your diet changes and supplementation
Highlight sub-clinical problems before they develop into something serious
Monitor the effects of your diet, exercise and lifestyle interventions
Tracking health trends and disease risk over time
Get a second opinion as it relates to existing ‘normal’ blood work
get a deeper understanding and insight into your health
How to get started with Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
Step 1
Get a blood test (skip this step if you already have blood work completed)
– You need your healthcare provider to order your blood work (list of markers you should request)
Step 2
Book either just a FBCA report or book a FBCA report with Consultation
when you book your report it will book a 30min window in my calendar, in that time I will put your results into the software and I will send you the report via email in that time frame - no need to come in person
you can look at the report in your own time
If you book a FBCA report with consultation
It will book an 1.5hr appointment into my calendar. The first 30min I will add the markers into the software and look at the report, the last 1hr we will go over the results together and I explain the results and I will recommend certain lifestyle changes if necessary
Step 3
Send me your results
Once your blood test results arrive back from the lab you can either send me a copy via email or drop of the print outs and I will run the analysis at the time you booked your appointment for
! I need the results latest at the time your appointment starts! Results are not send out until a payment is received (I pay for every test I put into the software)
Step 4: Receive your FBCA report
Once the analysis is complete, I’ll send you your comprehensive FBCA report via email, at the time you booked your report for or we will go over the results together in the consultation
What blood markers shall I get tested?
FBCA can analyze more than 125 individual biomarkers to provide a deep insight into your body’s biochemistry. The more markers you get your doctor to test for the more acurate the analysis will be. We suggest asking your healthcare provider to run the following panels:
What's included in your FBCA report?
Your FBCA Report is a comprehensive document consisting of several sections, including:
Functional Body Systems
Accessory Body Systems
Macronutrient Status
Nutritional Deficiencies
Blood Test Results
Blood Test Comparative
Blood Test Results Score
Blood Test History
Out Of Optimal Range Markers