Acupuncture & Massage for Fertility, Pregnancy and Early Motherhood

Licensed Acupuncturist,
Registered Massage Therapist,
Diploma for Physiotherapy (Germany)

I was born and raised in Germany. In 2008 I started my training as a Physiotherapist and graduated 2011. After I got my diploma I worked for a year in a small privat practice.
In 2013 my husband I moved to Canada, where I became a Registered Massage Therapist. I got my first job at Spa Habit and worked there til 2017 in May.
In June 2017 I opened my own business Day-Dream Massage, sharing an office space with Tree of Life Wellness and Parkland CPAP.
Working closely together with an Acupuncturist and getting acupuncture for myself I could see the amazing results Chinese medicine can have, especially combined with massage. I started reading books about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), integrated it into my life and saw amazing changes in my health. After a miscarriage in 2017, I finally found the courage to go back to school to learn Acupuncture myself.
I graduated in June 2021 as an Acupuncturist, after 3 years of training in Winnipeg and started my own business Natural Harmony - Acupuncture & Healing.
When it comes to health I always try to find a way to heal things naturally without medication. So when I struggled to conceive I looked for natural approaches. I read as much as I could about healing your hormones and your womb as I could and also took courses as well. My periods got better and I got pregnant in February 2023. Seeing how much you can do to balance your hormones naturally and that its possible to get pregnant without synthetic hormones I wanted to share this knowledge with other women. Ever since then I have been offering treatment combinations of massage and acupuncture to support women in their healing journey.
Continuous education certificates:
Treating emotional trauma with Chinese Medicine
Emotional Trauma and it's role in Women's reproductive health
Japanese style techniques for fertility
Scar tissue as disturbance fields in the body
Facial Diagnosis: The Psychological and Emotional Underlay of Disease
Reiki 1 & 2
Thai Foot Reflexology
Qi Gong for Women's Health
Breast Massage